This begins a series of posts entitled "Lessons Learned." We want to share with you some of the truths God either taught us or reaffirmed to us during our time in Ghana. We pray that these words will fall on hearts that are prepared to hear from Him and will empower feet that are prepared to go for Him.
Hebrews 11:1 reads "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Look carefully at that sentence. FAITH -- certain of what we DO NOT SEE. If we want to walk by faith, then when God tells us to do something, we must say "yes" even when we don't have all the answers. This is not easy, but is always worth it.
If you have followed our blog through our time in Ghana, you will recall that we shared a lot of the inconveniences we encountered while living there. (If you haven't, check out the archived posts.) Unmistakably, we saw God's hand of provision every step of the way. When we said "yes" to going to Ghana, we could not see how all the details would play out with our finances, Keenan's work, the kids' school, our families, etc. God was faithful in all those areas. And when we encountered "trials" along the way, God provided just what we needed then too.
While living in our comfortable lives in America, (by comfortable meaning you have food, a place to live, transportation, medical care; are able to read the words on this screen, etc) we don't always get the opportunity to really trust God. We can really coast along in our lives and do pretty well on our own. But when that security and comfort is removed and you are actively looking for His hand to guide and provide daily, He does not disappoint. It is such a good place to be when you can honestly see the hand of God sustaining you daily. Imagine being one of the Israelites in the wilderness watching for the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night to guide you, and waking to find fresh manna from Heaven each morning.
In evaluating your role in the Great Commission, don't automatically dismiss opportunities because they may seem impossible or impractical. Don't be afraid to do something that may seem crazy to someone else if you feel the Holy Spirit is speaking it into your life. Step out in faith one step at a time. You will not be disappointed. In fact, I'm quite sure you will be absolutely amazed!
Following . . . .
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