Monday, October 17, 2011

Outside Looking In

I know we've shared many times before about how privacy at the Wilson house is very hard to come by.  This was a scene we captured recently while Natalie was watching a DVD.  These boys are on our front porch peering through the windows.  It can get a bit annoying at times as you can imagine.  We constantly struggle with finding a balance between ministering to these children while, at the same time, trying to maintain a bit of "normalcy" and privacy around the house.  

As I ponder on this picture, it makes me think of a prison with the screen looking like bars.  The children are trying so desperately to get a glimpse of what's going on inside our house. It just makes me think how desperate the lost will be on the last day when they are left "on the outside looking in" as Christ takes His bride home to live with Him forever.  Oh, how we as Christians should feel such a sense of urgency to share Christ with all who will hear.  

Please continue to pray that we will be discerning in how we should minister to these children who are ever-present at our house.  Pray that we will know how to convey the message to them that what they need and what we have to share with them is Jesus, not any "stuff" they may be asking for.  Pray for each of their little hearts to soften to the message of the Gospel.  Oh, that they would not be caught OUTSIDE the kingdom of Heaven.

Following . . . .

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