Monday, September 19, 2011

Accused, Yet Redeemed

We have blogged before about the "Witches' Camp" in the nearby village of Gambaga.  Cindy and Allie have been before and ministered to the ladies and children there.  These ladies have been accused of witchcraft and cast out of their own villages.  The chief in Gambaga has offered them asylum in his village.  Here is a picture of a 12 year old girl accused of witchcraft.  A person died in her village and the villagers claimed she had "collected the soul" of the dead person.  When accused of witchcraft, a chicken is sacrificed.  Depending on how the chicken falls, the person is said to be innocent or guilty.  In her case, the chicken fell in such a way that would call her innocent.  However, the people didn't believe it so they cast her out anyway.

Cindy with the ladies who accepted Christ

The ladies make jewelry and sell it to make money to provide food for those that have been cast out.  God is redeeming these women whether their neighbors and families want to think so or not.  In fact, when Cindy was there recently, she was asked at the last minute to give a short devotion.  She talked about Romans 3 and how we are made righteous through Jesus Christ and "justified freely by His grace."  At the end, she said if anyone wanted to know more about Jesus, they could talk to her afterwards or to the lady, Laraba, that leads the ladies there at the camp.  Instantly, two ladies came forth and accepted Christ!!  Praise the Lord that His Word alone is enough to convict a person of their need for a savior AND that we who are accused by Satan, can be redeemed and made righteous through Jesus!

"This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe . . . . for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."  
Romans 3:  22-24

Following . . . .

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