Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Trip to the Witches' Camp

Today I (Cindy) was able to travel to Gambaga , a few minutes' drive from 
Nalerigu, to visit the outcast or "witches" camp.  I went with Wendy, 
another volunteer (not IMB supported) missionary, like us, who has 
been ministering to these ladies for about a year. When we walked in, 
the ladies clapped and cheered because they so appreciate the visits 
Wendy has made in the past. 

These women are social outcasts, accused of witchcraft, and banished 
from their homes. They have been accused by disgruntled husbands, 
abused by family, or just generally disliked by social rivals. Someone 
who gets mad at them for whatever reason can say they are having 
dreams about them and that they have seen lights in the trees trying to 
steal their souls. Much superstition and ignorance prevail and these 
women are told they are witches and to get lost. Some say they have 
no choice but to believe the lies. They have become widows and 
orphans because many bring their children with them to help with the 
planting and work in the house. 

A local chief in Gambaga has given these women ìprotectionî and 
allows them to stay in the village. They are being ministered to by 
Madam Larubah, a Ghana resident who ministers by the support of the 
local Presbyterian church. She helps these 85+ women by providing 
beads and jewelry making supplies for the ladies to make bracelets and 
such to earn some extra income. More importantly, she helps them 
realize who they are in Christ and not to believe the lies of the enemy. 

I was moved to tears when I saw the newest member of the group, a 12 
year old girl who was told she had stolen someone's soul and that she was a 
witch. All I could think about was, "that could be Allie or Natalie!"  But 
by God's grace and provision she was led to the group and now she will 
hear the Truth and know that she is special and loved. How so much 
injustice exists is overwhelming to me at times. 

We, too, are tempted to believe the lies of the enemy. I was tempted 
before we left to come to Ghana. "You can't live there 6 months! You 
will never make a difference! Why waste your time and money? It will 
be too hard for you." All these lies I was tempted to believe but I know 
the One who sent me will provide all that I need. I know the Truth is 
that God is using us to show love and acceptance to the least of these. 
Praise to God who gives us truth to share in the journey He has for us. 

James 1:27 says "religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Following . . . .


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