We have had to renew the kids' passports that expire next month and send off mine to get extra pages added for visas. Then, in order for us to work with World Medical Mission, we had to have Cindy, Evan and Allie apply as official volunteers with them (application, references). Luckily, I had already completed most of my paperwork for them last year when I went with them to Haiti. Natalie was spared some of that paperwork due to her age. Mississippi Baptist Mission Board had their own required papers to complete. When we were officially approved to work with World Medical Mission, then there was another packet of papers to complete -- waivers, policies, public relations, etc. All of this is just for American organizations -- Ghana had their own "red-tape". I had to apply for a medical license in Ghana which meant application, resume, references -- sent by courier to Ghana. We also had to send copies of all my medical credentials to the Faile Foundation, a US organization that helps support the hospital in Ghana where we will be serving. Then, of course, we had visa applications (and I don't mean credit cards -- they make that easy!) Each person had to fill out 4 (yes 4!) separate, but identical, applications to send to the Ghanaian Embassy in Washington. And all of these different applications required passport style pictures. We have become friends with CVS pharmacy by getting multiple copies of our passport pictures.
As a grand finale to our paperwork phase, we sent out support letters this weekend. That's probably how you ended up here on our blog, and we are happy you are here. AND we are glad that, at least for now, the paperwork is done!!
Throughout the endless filling in blanks, making copies, signing forms, mailing packets . . . . I told Cindy we should call the process "Paperwork, Prayer and Patience." For, as you can probably expect, whenever you are dealing with many different people in many different organizations in different countries, things can get confusing at times. Confusing can be translated "stressful". We knew our faith and patience would be tested once we got to Ghana, but it seems that God thought "Why wait? Why not start now?"
Thankfully, all 5 of us are so on the same page with this mission adventure so we've been able to encourage each other. We are also, as a family, reading through the Bible this year (more on the radical Experiment on another day) and our readings have really spoken to us. Reading through the stories of the patriarchs, the exodus, the wilderness wanderings and, most recently, the encouragement given to Joshua multiple times "Be strong and courageous" have provided much spiritual food for thought and to sustain us during the inevitable attacks by the adversary.
It's scary at times -- the thought of coming to the end of ourselves and depending completely on God -- but it is growing our prayer life and our faith. It's even tougher, sometimes, to be patient -- knowing God will provide and sustain -- but wanting it NOW!
Paperwork, prayer and patience -- all a very important part of the Process!
I just read this week about a missionary doctor who was serving in Africa and had been called out to go in to the hospital in the middle of the night. It was very dark due to sand in the air that blows in sometimes and all he had to see by was a small beam of light on the ground in front of him from a flashlight he was holding. He said it reminded him of God's word -- "a lamp unto my feet . . . a light unto my path." And just as it would have been very foolish that night of him to run ahead of his flashlight into the darkness and stumble upon any sort of dangerous snake, even so is it dangerous to run ahead of the light that God has placed in front of us as a guide.
Lord, help us to focus wholly and completely on the light of your Word and be patient to FOLLOW it with passion and perseverance, but also with PATIENCE.
Following . . . .
It's scary at times -- the thought of coming to the end of ourselves and depending completely on God -- but it is growing our prayer life and our faith. It's even tougher, sometimes, to be patient -- knowing God will provide and sustain -- but wanting it NOW!
Paperwork, prayer and patience -- all a very important part of the Process!
I just read this week about a missionary doctor who was serving in Africa and had been called out to go in to the hospital in the middle of the night. It was very dark due to sand in the air that blows in sometimes and all he had to see by was a small beam of light on the ground in front of him from a flashlight he was holding. He said it reminded him of God's word -- "a lamp unto my feet . . . a light unto my path." And just as it would have been very foolish that night of him to run ahead of his flashlight into the darkness and stumble upon any sort of dangerous snake, even so is it dangerous to run ahead of the light that God has placed in front of us as a guide.
Lord, help us to focus wholly and completely on the light of your Word and be patient to FOLLOW it with passion and perseverance, but also with PATIENCE.
Following . . . .